When Roslin started school a few weeks ago she caught a bit of a bug that was going round some of the kids and ended up having a sick day. She asked while lying on the sofa looking all sorry for herself if she could watch something new. I convinced her to watch something old instead but something she had never seen and put on She-Ra the secret of the sword. Needless to say a princess who is beautiful as well as kicks some ass was something that Roslin thought was right up her street and instantly fell in love with She-Ra.
A few days later and Roslin was still watching She-Ra in her free time and decided that she wanted to be the princess of power. Roslin had decided on her Halloween costume so off to work I went.
I thought about just taking the easy option and making it out of card but decided to make something a bit more substantial that she can use well after halloween (and when I say she I also mean me). I had been following Kamui Cosplay on facebook and had seen her amazing creations using worbla, so I decided to order myself a sheet and give it a go.
First drew out the basic shape as a paper template then once happy with the size I cut it out and drew directly onto the worbla and cut it out. I then used a heat gun and a polystyrene head to shape and build up the worbla layers with the centre gem being made up in clay wrapped in tin foil then again worbla applied over the top the get the correct shape.
After waiting for it to cool I started reading up on the best way to finish it, lots of american tutorials use spackle and sand it then follow with a coat of primer paint using the canvas primer for paintings. I didn’t use the spackle and just applied about 5 coats of primer then sanded it to make it smooth leaving hours between each coat then 24 hours to make sure it was dry after the final coat.
Next up was getting it gold, I wrapped my polystyrene head in cling film to do the front and visable areas to the back after the coat was touch dry I removed it from the head and sprayed the inside, I did this in 2 coats with 24 hours between.
After looking at different pictures of other She-Ra costumes and stones and pictures from the cartoon I decided to paint the centre stone with red nail-polish, this gave flexibility as well as a nice shine.
I forgot to mention way back at the beginning I attached two small squares of worbla with holes in it the head dress to the temple position and used wool to hold it onto my face head, when completed I changed it to elastic.
And that is the headdress pretty much complete.